Tuesday 15 March 2016

Find your identity in Christ

As a Christian who has confessed Jesus as Lord , i have gotten to  places where i needed to  stop and ask myself ..."why am i doing what i am doing, why am i here, who am i ? " especially being in ministry. It very easy for Christianity to be a thing you do just because maybe you were born into it but you really do not know what it is, or its the life style you have chosen but its all just surface.

                                                  (God looks at your heart)

Christianity for me personally is about relationship with God. Where my authenticity comes from God revealing who i am to me and what exactly i was created for.  This relationship with God helps me find my identity and destiny  because of my connection with my maker.

When we cultivate a relationship with God we don't have to walk around being carbon copies of others we admire because  God made you original with a specific purpose and plan for your life. We were created by Him and for Him to bring Glory to him . Find yourself in Christ